Congratulation! Kasiyarno Successfully Published his research in Journal New Media & Societ

Congratulation to Kasiyarno for his publication achievement in High Impact Reputable Journal. His research entitled “Book Review: The Era of Disinformation: Disruptive Politics, Technology and Communication in the United States” was successfully published in Journal New Media & Society on August 8, 2021 (H-Index: 109; SJR: 2.964; Impact Factor: 8.061)

His research aims to review the book entitled The Era of Disinformation: Disruptive Politics, Technology and Communication in the United States written by W. Lance Bennet and Steven Livingston. This book originated in two workshops held by the Media and Democracy Program of the Social Science Research Council in 2018 and 2019 in Washington and New York.

We hope that this achievement can motivate the other lectures and through this achievement they can give great contribution to other people. Hopefully all of them all full of blessing and benefits as always. Aamiin…

Selamat! Bapak kasiyarno Berhasil Mempublikasikan Hasil Risetnya di Journal New and Society

Selamat kepada bapak Kasiyarno atas pencapaian publikasinya di High Impact Reputable Journal. Riset yang berjudul “Book Review: The Era of Disinformation: Disruptive Politics, Technology and Communication in the United States” ini dipublikasikan di Journal New Media & Society pada 8 Agustus 2021 (H-Index: 109; SJR: 2.964; Impact Factor: 8.061)

Riset beliau bertujuan untuk mereview Buku yang berjudul The Era of Disinformation: Disruptive Politics, Technology and Communication in the United States yang ditulis oleh W. Lance Bennet dan Steven Livingston. Buku ini berasal dari dua workshop yang diadakan oleh Media and Democracy Program of the Social Science Research Council pada tahun 2018 dan 2019 di Washington dan New York.

Harapannya, prestasi ini dapat memicu semangat para dosen di lingkungan UAD sehingga dapat memberikan kontribusi yang baik untuk banyak orang. Semoga semuanya penuh berkah dan manfaat. Aamiin..